E87- Josee, Mediumship - How to Develop your Relationship with Spirit


My ideal world is where we all meet in spirit and are all aware that we are spirit. And that spirit is love.”

Josee believes every person is an incarnation of spirit, imbued with the potential to connect with the universe and the spiritual realm. According to Josee, connecting with spirit is nothing more than connecting with ourselves and those around us. Discover how Josee finds solace and inspiration in the divine, helping individuals explore their deepest selves, past lives accessed through the Akashic Records, and more. You’ll also learn how tapping into the spirit realm can share many parallels with other life experiences, such as being in a creative flow state. Whether you’re curious about communing with a departed loved one, seeking to hone your own mediumship abilities, or simply interested in a different approach to life, this episode will inspire you. With her approachable and encouraging demeanour, Josee will guide you toward discovering the infinite potential of the spiritual world within yourself.

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